February 10, 2009

The details

I haven't given up on reading through the Bible yet, though I confess I got bogged down in Exodus. Numbers is going to be a bear. There is an old saying, "The devil is in the details." I don't think it's the devil. God is all about details. Just read the last 10 or so chapters of Exodus.
I took this picture when we were hiking through the temperate rain forest in Alaska. My skin tingled with anticipation as I wandered through God's creation. I just knew, if we were very quiet and a little patient, we would get to see fairies flitting in and out of the ferns, or gnomes peeking from behind the roots of trees, or a hobbit coming out of door in an enormous tree trunk. The sunbeams pierced the tree tops in God's lush playground, but alas, no sparkling wings fluttered past, and no little bearded men peeked out at us. But I do have a lot of pictures of ferns and flowers and trees that give testimony of God's attention to detail. His creation inspires the imagination to dream of the magical.

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