May 29, 2009

Keeping count?

I know it has been longer than usual, but it's spring! I have been in the garden watching things come back to life and removing the things that are just plain dead. Renewal; it's breathing in the air just after a rain. Smell the fresh.
I am still working my way through the Bible and once again I have been amazed at how it is new with every reading. God's word is still able to surprise me.
What struck me today is that God isn't counting my failures or sins. That is wonderful, but He is asking me to forget the count too. That is hard.
"All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation." II Corinthians 5:18 & 19.
Not counting sins ... I am a good counter ... I need to quit ... I need to lose count.
Once again it comes back to the realization that it isn't about me. It's about being a blessing, a source of life to others. It's learning to not only speak the truth in love, but with the motivation to reconcile, not just to God, but with each other. I can only think of one way to succeed. I must be fully immersed in Him, completely covered by His love. I need to view those around me from a new perspective; from His perspective.
So, I think it's time to dig up my old Steven Curtis Chapman CD, "I'm Diving In."

May 19, 2009

Thoughts on the Dakotas

I have been distracted lately so no post, sorry. I have been touring the Dakotas! I know the winters are no fun, but the spring is beautiful. On the left is Theodore Roosevelt National Park and it is worth another visit. On the right is supposed to be two fields of corn or wheat or something, instead it is still an impressive lake. When you go to the store the next time and buy your food, pray for the farmers. It was a tough winter and a very wet spring and although most of the roads are no longer under water, there are an awful lot of fields that have become home to ducks and geese and coots and other water birds.
There are two fewer ducks in South Dakota. It was them or us and I thought Steve and I were more valuable, so when they flew at my car I didn't swerve. I am sure the guys in the oncoming lane were grateful. Those were some slow ducks, in every possible way. I was thrilled that the windshield held up under the whack. I never did get a pheasant ...
Ah, the circle of life.

May 4, 2009

Words of Life

I am sure that every parent wonders how badly they have messed up their kids lives. I can think of one exception, but for their own protection I won't name them.
First, let me say that being a parent is exhausting, and sometimes what comes out of the mouth really isn't what is in the heart; it's the frustration and fatigue speaking. That being said, here is what I'm pondering.
I Corinthians 3:16 "Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" My children gave their hearts to God when they were quite young. Being an exhausted Mom it never occurred to me that when I spoke to them, I was speaking to the dwelling place of the living God. (Just a light thought as Mother's Day approaches.)
Did I speak with respect? Did I speak words of life? Or did I scream like a harried woman on the brink of insanity? For the most part I was somewhere in between. I know that I blew it more than I want to admit. But what was in my heart then, and now, were words of life.
I know why Grandparents are so important. It is much easier to speak words of life when you aren't exhausted and feeling like a total shrew.
If you have grand-babies living far away, find some children nearby whose grandparents live far away, and speak words of life to them. Then, when you have a chance, speak words of life to their parents too.
Even if you aren't a parent or grand-parent you can have a profound effect on the lives of little ones around you. Whenever you can, speak life; words that encourage, words that build up, words that cause the spirit of a child to rise and believe that he or she is loved and precious and created with a purpose. Speak the words that you long to hear.
I Thessalonians 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another, and build up one another ... "