It's the end of 2009 and I am on my last 3 chapters of Revelations. I did it! There were times I wanted to quit, but because I have this blog and a few people actually read it I have hung in there. I am ready to start all over tomorrow because I have learned and grown and been challenged by God as I saw new and different things as I read familiar stories.
His word is fresh and new every day, so as 2010 starts tomorrow, I look forward to new things from God. I pray for new and wonderful adventures for you too.
Happy New Year!
I almost forgot, This is Michelle's tattoo in honor of Dad Sharpe. She got it on the 19th of December 2009, the first anniversary of Dad's death. We still miss you Wes, you have left an amazing legacy in your grandchildren. Thank you.
December 31, 2009
December 9, 2009
Ezekiel was tough and long, but I am moving on and catching up. Today, the obvious was an epiphany. I was reading I John and he is speaking about being children of God. I John 3:2 brought the "Aha" moment. No wonder, that as Christians, we have so many denominations and such a hard time getting along. We are siblings, spiritually.
I know there are some families that always get along, where sibling disputes are not a big deal. I married into one, but I wasn't raised in one. While we didn't fight much, we didn't engage much either. We were almost indifferent to each other, but we loved each other. Then Dad died and the garbage was dumped. Like all garbage, it stank for a time. We all handled our grief differently. Some of us more positively than others. My only sister, the baby of the family, became my rock.
This isn't my best shot, but my sister, Marianne, looks great. For years we had no relationship at all and now I don't know how I made it all that time without her love and support. We are family and I am so glad.
On the other hand there is a brother I am not so close to anymore. Family history has crowded in and brought separation. I still love him, but we seem to get along better from a distance.
There is an old saying, "You can't choose your family." It's true both physically and spiritually, but while we can't choose who they are, we can choose to love them.
Whether it is hard or not, love is a choice. I know my sister feels it was worth it to make the choice to love me, and pursue a relationship with me. It was a conscious decision on her part after a conversation with our hair dresser. (Thank you Linda Renay).
There are people in my life, through church and other Christian arenas, that are not as easy to love as others, but I am going to make the effort for them that my sister made for me. They are family too. We all share one Heavenly Father, and that alone makes them worth it.
I know there are some families that always get along, where sibling disputes are not a big deal. I married into one, but I wasn't raised in one. While we didn't fight much, we didn't engage much either. We were almost indifferent to each other, but we loved each other. Then Dad died and the garbage was dumped. Like all garbage, it stank for a time. We all handled our grief differently. Some of us more positively than others. My only sister, the baby of the family, became my rock.
This isn't my best shot, but my sister, Marianne, looks great. For years we had no relationship at all and now I don't know how I made it all that time without her love and support. We are family and I am so glad.
On the other hand there is a brother I am not so close to anymore. Family history has crowded in and brought separation. I still love him, but we seem to get along better from a distance.
There is an old saying, "You can't choose your family." It's true both physically and spiritually, but while we can't choose who they are, we can choose to love them.
Whether it is hard or not, love is a choice. I know my sister feels it was worth it to make the choice to love me, and pursue a relationship with me. It was a conscious decision on her part after a conversation with our hair dresser. (Thank you Linda Renay).
There are people in my life, through church and other Christian arenas, that are not as easy to love as others, but I am going to make the effort for them that my sister made for me. They are family too. We all share one Heavenly Father, and that alone makes them worth it.
November 19, 2009
Reading Jeremiah is tough
It took me much longer than planned, but I did get through Jeremiah. I just thought I would state for the record; I am still at it.
II Peter is much easier to read and I get it, but the thing that is sticking in my mind is a comment from Gary Thomas this past weekend.
He was speaking at a couples conference at the Broadmoor, and he said something that I can't get out of my head. It came to him one day that he married God's daughter and he didn't want to get on God's bad side so he was going be sure he treated her accordingly.
I love that. It applies to all of us, so how do we speak to each other? It turns out, once again, that I see my Daddy's wisdom in the most basic things of life. He always used to say that we should treat everyone with respect and that, "everyone we come in contact with should be comfortable in our presence, whether she be the Queen of England or the drunk on Skid Row." God took the time to create him or her and for that reason alone, he is worthy of honor and respect. You were right Dad.
"...but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." II Peter 3:18
II Peter is much easier to read and I get it, but the thing that is sticking in my mind is a comment from Gary Thomas this past weekend.
He was speaking at a couples conference at the Broadmoor, and he said something that I can't get out of my head. It came to him one day that he married God's daughter and he didn't want to get on God's bad side so he was going be sure he treated her accordingly.
I love that. It applies to all of us, so how do we speak to each other? It turns out, once again, that I see my Daddy's wisdom in the most basic things of life. He always used to say that we should treat everyone with respect and that, "everyone we come in contact with should be comfortable in our presence, whether she be the Queen of England or the drunk on Skid Row." God took the time to create him or her and for that reason alone, he is worthy of honor and respect. You were right Dad.
"...but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." II Peter 3:18
October 27, 2009
General stuff
I have had a tough time keeping up with blogging and reading while learning to be a family of six, but when Steve took off for Israel I took a vacation.
I am back because Steve is back. His trip was life changing and I am loving his stories.
I finished Isaiah last week and it was a different read this time. In the past as I have read it I have seen an angry vengeful God. This time I saw a broken hearted Father. Take a week and read it slowly with that perspective, and have a great week.
I am back because Steve is back. His trip was life changing and I am loving his stories.
I finished Isaiah last week and it was a different read this time. In the past as I have read it I have seen an angry vengeful God. This time I saw a broken hearted Father. Take a week and read it slowly with that perspective, and have a great week.
October 6, 2009
This one's for Steve
Our lifestyle is Biblical, annoying, but Biblical.
I am still reading through the Bible. On December 31st I will declare victory, and hopefully start all over again.
Today, James 4:13 & 14 hit me square between the eyes. "Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow, we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes, Instead, you ought to say, 'If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that.'"
We have been living that way since 1978. I got a lung infection in the Willamette Valley, and then later, while living in Hawaii, my lungs were further damaged by the volcanos.
Chemicals set off asthma, and while we know some of the offending chemicals, others remain a mystery. We never know what or when my asthma will be triggered. This has made public places scary. Perfumes and colognes are usually good for an attack. We gave up on back to school nights after Steve had to pick me up of the sidewalk, literally. We hadn't even gotten inside and the perfume was overwhelming.
I am often reminded of Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoons. A puffy cloud of filth followed him where ever he went. Why do women, (and some men) think it is okay to have a huge, pink, puffy cloud of perfume follow in their wake?
Anyway, back to the verse. Because I have no idea when my asthma will be triggered, planning to do things has become a source of frustration. Too many times we have gone somewhere, only to have to get back in the car, (often after I hit the floor, use the inhaler and an epi-pen) and head back home.
It has become so ingrained in our lifestyle that we rarely plan anything, and when we do, we always have Plan B. We even built a house last year, that is safe for me. Special paint, finishes and other details made it possible and I am so grateful.
It would be nice to plan a vacation and go. It's been a while.
I love you Sweeton.
I am still reading through the Bible. On December 31st I will declare victory, and hopefully start all over again.
Today, James 4:13 & 14 hit me square between the eyes. "Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow, we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes, Instead, you ought to say, 'If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that.'"
We have been living that way since 1978. I got a lung infection in the Willamette Valley, and then later, while living in Hawaii, my lungs were further damaged by the volcanos.
Chemicals set off asthma, and while we know some of the offending chemicals, others remain a mystery. We never know what or when my asthma will be triggered. This has made public places scary. Perfumes and colognes are usually good for an attack. We gave up on back to school nights after Steve had to pick me up of the sidewalk, literally. We hadn't even gotten inside and the perfume was overwhelming.
I am often reminded of Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoons. A puffy cloud of filth followed him where ever he went. Why do women, (and some men) think it is okay to have a huge, pink, puffy cloud of perfume follow in their wake?
Anyway, back to the verse. Because I have no idea when my asthma will be triggered, planning to do things has become a source of frustration. Too many times we have gone somewhere, only to have to get back in the car, (often after I hit the floor, use the inhaler and an epi-pen) and head back home.
It has become so ingrained in our lifestyle that we rarely plan anything, and when we do, we always have Plan B. We even built a house last year, that is safe for me. Special paint, finishes and other details made it possible and I am so grateful.
It would be nice to plan a vacation and go. It's been a while.
I love you Sweeton.
September 29, 2009
The Absent Are Safe Here
The first time I read, "The Absent Are Safe Here" I thought about it for a week before I understood what it meant. Are the absent safe with me? Do I respect people behind their back, or do I dishonor them when they aren't around?
Pastor Kelly was talking about that on Sunday, well, that's how I applied it. He was encouraging us to pursue godliness, constantly, continuously, every day, without giving up. I think that includes our conversations with each other.
Even those inward, mental dialogues we have need to be measured in the light of godliness. You know the ones; repeating over and over what she said that hurt me, or what he did that was just so wrong. What should I have said? What could I have done to put her in her place?
Have you ever used the perfect comeback and then regretted it? Have you seen the pain on the face of the intended recipient and then felt like a worm?
There are no regrets when we know we have done that which pleases our Heavenly Father. There is no worminess when we hold our tongue, refusing to become the weapon of the enemy.
"So then let us pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another."Romans 14:19
Even those inward, mental dialogues we have need to be measured in the light of godliness. You know the ones; repeating over and over what she said that hurt me, or what he did that was just so wrong. What should I have said? What could I have done to put her in her place?
Have you ever used the perfect comeback and then regretted it? Have you seen the pain on the face of the intended recipient and then felt like a worm?
There are no regrets when we know we have done that which pleases our Heavenly Father. There is no worminess when we hold our tongue, refusing to become the weapon of the enemy.
"So then let us pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another."Romans 14:19
September 10, 2009
The Challenge
I got bored so I changed things up a bit. This picture is of the beach in St. Andrew's, Scotland, just off the golf course. The opening scene to Chariots of Fire was filmed here, and when we walked on it I swear I could hear the orchestra.
There is something magical about a quiet morning by my window; the steam rises from my tea cup, the flowers are in bloom, and my Bible is open on my lap. I generally prefer a good sleep-in, but this is deeply good.
I am still up to date on reading through the Bible this year! Amazing, truly amazing. With major changes in my life this summer I have managed to keep up. I miss some days and have more to read, and some days are harder than others because I don't always like what I read, but I am pressing on toward the goal.
This week I read an old favorite and was challenged in a surprising way. I have this verse colored with light red pencil and there are notes next to it. I go to it often because it reminds me that I am loved with a divine love. I am precious.
"I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Thy works,
And my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14
This time, as I read it, in my minds eye I had a picture of a woman I never want to see again. She didn't just hurt me, she did so deliberately, with great planning, care and painful consequences. She was reading the same verse, and finding the same peace and comfort that I receive. It surprised me and then I heard the Lord ask me, "Is this verse true for her too?"
Wow and ick.
He did make her too. She was formed in her mother's womb with the same love care as I was. I should be spiritual enough to rejoice, but I am ashamed to say that I am disappointed. I can pray the part about being fearfully and wonderfully made for her, but the thanks for her still sticks in my throat. I am working on it.
Funny how, after all these years, the same verse that has brought me so much comfort, brings conviction. God's word is alive and still challenges me. It's a good thing; hard, but good.
There is something magical about a quiet morning by my window; the steam rises from my tea cup, the flowers are in bloom, and my Bible is open on my lap. I generally prefer a good sleep-in, but this is deeply good.
I am still up to date on reading through the Bible this year! Amazing, truly amazing. With major changes in my life this summer I have managed to keep up. I miss some days and have more to read, and some days are harder than others because I don't always like what I read, but I am pressing on toward the goal.
This week I read an old favorite and was challenged in a surprising way. I have this verse colored with light red pencil and there are notes next to it. I go to it often because it reminds me that I am loved with a divine love. I am precious.
"I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Thy works,
And my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14
This time, as I read it, in my minds eye I had a picture of a woman I never want to see again. She didn't just hurt me, she did so deliberately, with great planning, care and painful consequences. She was reading the same verse, and finding the same peace and comfort that I receive. It surprised me and then I heard the Lord ask me, "Is this verse true for her too?"
Wow and ick.
He did make her too. She was formed in her mother's womb with the same love care as I was. I should be spiritual enough to rejoice, but I am ashamed to say that I am disappointed. I can pray the part about being fearfully and wonderfully made for her, but the thanks for her still sticks in my throat. I am working on it.
Funny how, after all these years, the same verse that has brought me so much comfort, brings conviction. God's word is alive and still challenges me. It's a good thing; hard, but good.
August 28, 2009
Thank you, Judith Lane Dolim

When I read the verses she put at the end of her message I smiled. Those verses have been true about me since the day she wrote them, and whenever I look at the front of my Bible I remember her. Judy got the Bible with the fish, Steve got the one with the cross and she picked the one with the fish and cross for me, so I would think of them while I was away.
Steve and I have been married 32 years today.
I love my old, well worn, leather Bible, with it's partially color-coded sections, notes by certain passages, and a coffee cup ring on the back cover. It is, as Judy wrote, the "precious and most valuable treasure" she gave me so long ago; even more treasured now because it has been with me for so long, holding not only God's precious word, but of memories of cherished loved ones.
Thank you Judy. I love you still, from a distance.
Happy Anniversary Steve! I love you more each year.
August 17, 2009
The Burn's are now living in their digs in our basement, Jewell, Richie and Lucy are pretty much settled in and we are loving becoming the Walton's. No "Good night Johnboy" because we all go to bed at such different times, but it is great.
I haven't given up on my reading, but it has become more challenging to write about it. I still don't get Job. Sometimes his friends said some good stuff and sometimes they were really judgmental, but I had to read it slowly. I am sure that says something about me. I am the Psalms now and I love it. Back in the '70's, I learned so many of them as songs. I found my old Scripture in Song book and have had some leisurely moments singing and worshiping with the old, dearly loved songs. Maybe I can teach some of them to Lucy when I am watching her. Like Psalm 27, "The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?"
Really, do they get much cuter than this?
July 20, 2009
I haven't quit
Relationships between the parents and children, and between the kings and judges, and between everyone and God.
When I finished II Chronicles I just sat for a while. The construction of two new houses bordering my backyard prompted thoughts of the house of God.
I am so grateful for my house. It was made just for me, to exact specifications. I react severely to many chemicals so we used special paint, special finishes, no glues, tested carpets and ended up with a home that is safe for my lungs. I am proud of it, and I take care of it.
Although my value doesn't come from the condition of my home, it does reflect me. A piece of my identity is wrapped in these walls.
So what? I wrestled with how to express how I felt about God's house when I finished Chronicles. It was built to exact specifications. The people of Israel gave money, jewels, and precious metals to make it beautiful. It was celebrated and praised. It was a place of worship, comfort and revelation. God lived there and His people knew where to find Him.
God's temple was honored then trashed, repaired then desecrated, cleaned then neglected, refurbished then destroyed. Over and over again God's house was valued and devalued. I sat wondering how that made God feel. Up and down an emotional roller-coaster is exhausting. I know that I am attributing human emotions to Almighty God, but He created our em
We are His temple. How are you caring for His dwelling place?
There are a few ladies in my life that help me with the upkeep of my temple, and I love them. Thank you Ellen, Cindi, Lucia, Cindy and Jessica.
June 30, 2009
Hanging in there
II Chronicles isn't the most gripping book of the Bible, but amongst the lists are some beautiful nuggets. I love David's songs and God's response to him. The one that made me stop and think this morning has to do with building the temple. It took me back to a song I learned in the '70's, "Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men."
The Israelites had to build a place for God and then go to that place to worship Him. Jesus changed that. He brought God to us, within us. I am the tabernacle of God and I bring Him to men and women when I join them. I have known that for decades, but it touched me in a new way today.
"... I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices." II Chronicles 7:12 What was a building in the Old Testament, is me in 2009. He chose me. He risks His reputation with me every day. I pray today that I will be a blessing and bring honor to God who does things in very strange and unusual ways.
The same God who made the Rockies to show us His majesty, chose you and me to show His love and mercy to the world around us. I am humbled and in awe.
June 17, 2009
Celebrating diversity

Brothers. One went to college and one didn't but both are incredibly smart. The same parents raised them. How does that happen?
I am still reading through the Bible and as I read through Samuel and Kings there are some very different kids sharing the same parents.
God formed each child individually, to be an individual. It isn't up to me to turn them into little replicas of what current society calls good. It is up to me to study them, get to know them, see what God is working in them and then get on board with God. As it says in Romans, God is the Potter, not me. He is the artist. I get to be amazed at the beauty of His creation while I work along side Him, but I need to see and appreciate what He is doing.
It is up to me to teach my child to know God, to hear His voice and to obey. The hardest part is when they reach the age when I can't make them obey, when it has to be a decision they make for themselves. In one case, he reached that age at about two. ( Well, maybe that's an exaggeration.)
The hardest part is when they are adults and I think I know what they should be hearing. I have to trust them to hear God. I have to trust God to speak loudly. I have to let them walk with God, not with Mom. That is really hard.
Brothers. I love each one, I am proud of each one and I am still getting to know each one. As I pray for them today I am celebrating diversity, and praying for the baby sister who is learning to walk with God and not with Mom. It's hard.
May 29, 2009
Keeping count?
I am still working my way through the Bible and once again I have been amazed at how it is new with every reading. God's word is still able to surprise me.
What struck me today is that God isn't counting my failures or sins. That is wonderful, but He is asking me to forget the count too. That is hard.
"All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation." II Corinthians 5:18 & 19.
Not counting sins ... I am a good counter ... I need to quit ... I need to lose count.
Once again it comes back to the realization that it isn't about me. It's about being a blessing, a source of life to others. It's learning to not only speak the truth in love, but with the motivation to reconcile, not just to God, but with each other. I can only think of one way to succeed. I must be fully immersed in Him, completely covered by His love. I need to view those around me from a new perspective; from His perspective.
So, I think it's time to dig up my old Steven Curtis Chapman CD, "I'm Diving In."
May 19, 2009
Thoughts on the Dakotas
There are two fewer ducks in South Dakota. It was them or us and I thought Steve and I were more valuable, so when they flew at my car I didn't swerve. I am sure the guys in the oncoming lane were grateful. Those were some slow ducks, in every possible way. I was thrilled that the windshield held up under the whack. I never did get a pheasant ...
Ah, the circle of life.
May 4, 2009
Words of Life

First, let me say that being a parent is exhausting, and sometimes what comes out of the mouth really isn't what is in the heart; it's the frustration and fatigue speaking. That being said, here is what I'm pondering.
I Corinthians 3:16 "Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" My children gave their hearts to God when they were quite young. Being an exhausted Mom it never occurred to me that when I spoke to them, I was speaking to the dwelling place of the living God. (Just a light thought as Mother's Day approaches.)
Did I speak with respect? Did I speak words of life? Or did I scream like a harried woman on the brink of insanity? For the most part I was somewhere in between. I know that I blew it more than I want to admit. But what was in my heart then, and now, were words of life.
I know why Grandparents are so important. It is much easier to speak words of life when you aren't exhausted and feeling like a total shrew.
If you have grand-babies living far away, find some children nearby whose grandparents live far away, and speak words of life to them. Then, when you have a chance, speak words of life to their parents too.
Even if you aren't a parent or grand-parent you can have a profound effect on the lives of little ones around you. Whenever you can, speak life; words that encourage, words that build up, words that cause the spirit of a child to rise and believe that he or she is loved and precious and created with a purpose. Speak the words that you long to hear.
I Thessalonians 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another, and build up one another ... "
April 29, 2009
Gideon get's courage - Judges 6 & 7

I am reading in Judges; Gideon intrigues me. His lack of courage surprised me. I know about his fleeces, but somehow they never struck me as motivated by fear. I thought he wanted to be absolutely sure he was obeying God. Reading about him this week, I think he was scared out of his mind. The wonder is that God didn't give up on him, or mock him, or even yell. In Judges 6:17 & 18, Gideon asks the Lord to stay put, if it really is Him, until he brings back an offering. He couldn't just run down to grab a Big Mac. He had to prepare and cook it from scratch. Then, when it is the Lord, and Gideon agrees to obey, what God asks of him is really scary, so "he did it by night." (vs. 27)
He tried to do the Lord's work in secret. It didn't work; he was exposed pretty quickly, but still no rebuke from the Lord. I find comfort in that. God knows my weakness and loves me still. I have to think that by the time Gideon's troops were winnowed down to 300 and God gave him the victory, Gideon had more courage than when God asked him to tear down the idols and Asherah pole.
It's all about progression, forward motion. We put one foot in front of the other, even if we are shaking, and we see God. Then we put the next foot in front of the first, and again we see God. One of these days I want to run, flat out, no fear, no shaking in my boots, no more baby steps. A full on run, complete with leaping and whooping. I wonder if God plays tag.
April 20, 2009
Life, death and life again.

April 12, 2009
We spent the past four days, 12+ hours a day painting the basement and getting ready to become the Walton's. Grandma and Grandpa are walking kinda funny today. I really did take this picture this morning. I think we have a white Easter more often than a white Christmas, but I love a white Easter. It just seems right to see the bright, white, clean world when we wake to celebrate that Jesus made us white as the new fallen snow.
He is risen!
March 31, 2009
Stone cold stiff, but pretty
March 24, 2009
Is there a Moses for America?

In Deut. 9:4 Moses tells Israel that it isn't because of their righteousness that God is giving them the promised land, but because the enemy is so wicked. Then in verses 7 and 8 he reminds Israel how their own sin provoked the Lord. Further on in chapter 9 I saw that it was Moses' intercession that moved God to allow Israel to continue to exist.
I watch the news every morning and today I wonder, where is our Moses? Is someone interceding for us? As a nation we have so much but are, apparently, never satisfied. I love being an American but the truth is, we aren't all that, any more than Israel was.
Are AIG executives and bankers judged out of righteousness or envy? The anger and self-righteousness I see on the news scares me. The venom spewed from the lips of our politicians is unworthy of anyone is their position. The cry for justice seems motivated by bitterness and suspicion. I don't want that to be me. I would rather be like Moses, on my knees, pleading for God to be merciful to His people, recognizing my own need for mercy rather than becoming the accuser. I have gone to the National Day of Prayer site to find out how I can pray more effectively. Here is the link if you'd like to do the same; Moses made a difference, so can we.
This picture of a graveyard and a church was taken in St. Andrew's Scotland. The legacy of prayer in that place left me speechless.
March 6, 2009
Get Naked

I see naked, blatant adoration in Dashiell's face. I want to be like that with God. He sees what I try to hide anyway, so I don't know why I expend the energy. How freeing to be naked before Him.
How scary to be naked in the same way with friends. I will pray for one or two that I can get naked with, personality wise of course. I think that would be wonderful. Actually, there is one who knows me that well already, besides my precious Steve. I love you Lorrie.
February 24, 2009
More details
I have been stuck in Leviticus, thus the delay in posting a blog. I love the word of God, and I know there is a reason for Leviticus, but it is mind numbing, and definitely not breakfast reading material. Laws for sacrifice, checking for what kind of ooze is seeping out of sores, ... you get the point.
As I waded through the laws the Israelites had to follow I remembered a very encouraging verse.
Matthew 5:17 "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill."
I looked up the word fulfill and it means to complete, finish, make complete. I am so grateful that we live under grace and not the law. Jesus completes me, and I am clean in Him.
February 10, 2009
The details

I took this picture when we were hiking through the temperate rain forest in Alaska. My skin tingled with anticipation as I wandered through God's creation. I just knew, if we were very quiet and a little patient, we would get to see fairies flitting in and out of the ferns, or gnomes peeking from behind the roots of trees, or a hobbit coming out of door in an enormous tree trunk. The sunbeams pierced the tree tops in God's lush playground, but alas, no sparkling wings fluttered past, and no little bearded men peeked out at us. But I do have a lot of pictures of ferns and flowers and trees that give testimony of God's attention to detail. His creation inspires the imagination to dream of the magical.
February 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Yola

Happy Birthday Mom!
January 30, 2009
New thoughts from Old books
I hadn't ever thought of the Israelites in Egypt as anything but downtrodden slaves, but some of them owned livestock. I don't know why I missed it before, but what they took from Egypt was not just plunder.
I picked up on their ownership while I read through the plagues. The sixth plague was pestilence on the livestock, but God made a distinction between the Israelites and Egyptians livestock, so the Israeli's went untouched. Huh ... I have always heard of the 10 plagues, but there are 11, if you count the final one, the death of the first born. That is one that I may never understand, but I do find it interesting that, after the Israelites are out of Egypt, in Exodus 13 God declares that the first born are to be sanctified to God. Today I started praying differently for my firstborn child, and my firstborn grandchildren. It has made me want to be a praying grandma that influences her grandbabies through her prayers. Hang on tight kids, Grandma is praying some great prayers over those grandchildren.
January 23, 2009
More than worthy
I was reading Matthew 10:13 this morning, "And if the house is worthy, let your greeting of peace come upon it." I thought of the Turnbulls. Twice, in matter weeks, John and Debbie took in strangers. First, when Dad Sharpe died, and then for his memorial. Our family was welcomed with no expectations, just arms of compassion. They don't see their hospitality as a big thing, but we do. Coming home in the evening to a safe haven was huge. It was okay to be real. Waking up in the morning to the best cuppa tea in town and warm conversation, started our day wrapped in a blanket of love. The Spirit of God glistened in their tears and shone through their smiles. Their home is more than worthy. We have new friends who feel like family. Thank you John and Debbie, we love you.
January 16, 2009
I was reading my Bible the other day and this scripture stood out to me, "And Abraham breathed his last and died in a ripe old age, an old man and satisfied with life;." That is what I want, to be an old woman, surrounded by those I love, and satisfied with life.
The Chinese have a special word for family noise, it is a word that means warmth and love.
So, I will keep praying, and maybe my children will all come home and buy a family farm. I hear it may be legal soon to cultivate hemp in the states....
January 5, 2009
Sometimes, life is ... you know ...
I was thinking about it during the sermon on Sunday. Pastor Kelly was talking about being grateful. I wondered how to be grateful when life is crap, and it came to me. Life isn't crap, but crap is part of life.
Pastor Kelly was also talking about our choices. We can sit and whine and be miserable, or we can find something for which to be grateful.
When we take crap and work it into the soil, it ceases to be crap and becomes fertilizer, a life giving thing. So, without crap there would be no life, no growth, no wonder at the incredible world in which we live.
Ironic, but get a pitchfork and work that crap into your life and be grateful for the new life that comes forth.
We miss you Dad. You brought joy and encouragement to so many, and left behind an amazing legacy. We are grateful to have had you in our lives for so many years.
January 1, 2009
The year of giving and generosity
Winston Churchill
I don't like a long list of resolutions at the start of a new year. I don't even like a short list. For me, the list brings guilt and failure and who needs that. I do like a thought, something to keep coming back to throughout the year, something that provokes me to action. This year, Winston Churchill's quote is my thought.
I chose this picture because sometimes, what we have to give isn't money or stuff, it's time and energy, and that is when I find I am most selfish.
Thank you to Kamron and Dan for giving themselves to help us move in July. Thank you to Heidi and Kim for watching over home and kitty when we are gone. You didn't have to and we are blessed by your generosity.
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